
When a female mosquito bites, it involves extraction of blood and injection of saliva into the skin. Proteins present in this saliva prevents blood from clotting and activates a mild shashel.eu response in many people.

As a result of a mosquito bite, people often experience around red bump with a dot in the middle. It also includes an itching sensation.

Moreover, in some cases, it can cause serious health issues and diseases like Zika Virus, Malaria, Dengue fever and Chikungunya.


So, keeping all these things in mind, you should definitely look forward to hiring mosquito pest control agency.


Importance of pest control:


1. Specialized plans

Pest control agency can set up plans that can meet your specific needs. They plan the pest control according to the size of your area, level of infestation and some other important considerations.


2. Effectiveness

The pesticides used by professional pest control companies are more powerful and effective than the ones that are available in markets for purchase. Pest control agencies choose pesticides according to the specific needs of the particular case.


3. Professional pesticides last longer

Professional pesticide services offer protection for about 6 weeks to 5 years. This totally depends on the type of pesticide applied. Professional pesticides last longer than the one we do by ourselves.


4. Reduction of hazards

A lot of chemical sprays are used during pest control and only professionals can handle them in the best way. Pest control experts have all the detailed information about the chemicals and they know exactly where to put them and how to use them.


5. Health Safety

Many common household pests such as rodents, ticks and mosquitoes can carry many dangerous diseases that can severely infect humans. So, it’s important to undergo pest control to save yourself from all type of infections and diseases caused by pests.




Prevention of Mosquito Bites:

1.Wear mosquito repellent

A variety of insect repellents are available in the market. So, ensure to apply insect repellent on the uncovered skin surface when going outdoors, especially during the evening.


2.Cover yourself

Make sure to wear long sleeve shirts and trousers when going outdoors. This is one of the best ways to keep mosquitoes from biting you.


3. Avoid stagnant water

Mosquitoes are often attracted to water. Even most of the female mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. So, it’s better to avoid stagnant water around your home.


4. Keep doors and windows shut

Ensure to keep your doors and windows shut during the peak hours and season. This is definitely an important consideration that can keep you away from mosquito bites.


5. Be extra cautious if you’re pregnant

During pregnancy, the mother’s body temperature can be a degree or two warmer than the others. Well, that’s what can attract most of the mosquitoes.


Process of pest control:

The pest control process includes spraying chemically infused liquid in the air at low volume to create an invisible cloud that only targets mosquitoes. So, that’s how mosquitoes are being controlled.



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